About Us

Welcome to Rich Mindset Clothing where it's more than just a mindset thing and more so of a lifestyle. My name is Monica aka "Riches". This is a brand I started in 2023 formerly known as Wolf Motion Vision originally founded in 2019. I fell in love with the new brand (Rich Mindset) because it represents my whole life and how the choices I made and make today helps me evolve as a person. Growing up wasn't the easiest especially having little to no support. Only real support I had was my grandmother "Nora" she had the biggest impact on my life and got me into the clothing business in 2015 when I was 14. I began making clothes on and off for years. She would always challenge me to make and design harder things which would push me to learn more things and led me to falling in love with my craft even more. After her passing, in 2020 I lost myself and my love for anything. Around 2022 I picked it up and kept her as my motivation and daily reminder to always make the right choices in life and to make her proud. So far this journey in life has taught me to take smart risk, make sacrifices, make the right choices, and to always be a leader. Ive learned these are all the tools you need in life to have a RICH MINDSET. I created the Rich Mindset Clothing to inspire people to keep pushing towards their dreams despite how easy or hard life gets and I am here to spread it through every thread of the brand.